Inviktus Drasik

  • Inviktus is a mysterious Baron located on the outer edges of the Duchy of Pandean. He’s known for his humble demenor, curious and studious personality, and connection to the Kingdom of Abraxsus.

    He’s also known to be dear friends with Duke Jean-Phillipe Bouchard, having shared a room with him at the Adonai Academy when they attended school as boys.

  • Inviktus was born and raised in Ellislandia. His father was a Baron before him, all the way back for many generations.

  • Inviktus is a practitioner of something called ‘Void’. Not much is known of this specific type of power, but as he explained it it seems to be a type of ‘anti-magic’ that can be highly addictive and powerful.

    It is also know as 'the shadow' and 'the anomaly' in other magical circles.

  • Inviktus is a human.

  • Coming soon!

  • More info coming soon!


Remy Namara


Gonje Oritudoji